Legislative Advocacy
Ways to Get Involved
Know how to contact your Legislator. You can search here.
Find out how to testify in person or online here.
Join the advocacy group and get text alerts.
Have questions? contact Alisa Stoddard at alisa@aaputah.org.

Click the DOWNLOAD button to access our Legislative Advocacy Toolkit and learn how-to become more involved in advocacy activities critical to the passage of state laws that benefit Utah’s children and their families.

For More Information on Utah Chapter Legislative Priorities Contact
Ellie Brownstein, MD, FAAP
Legislative Advocacy
Jennifer Brinton, MD, FAAP
Legislative Advocacy
William Cosgrove, MD, FAAP
Legislative Advocacy
Cell 801.573.6175
Web Link Resoruces
American Academy of Pediatrics
Valuable resource for policy statements on child healthcare and policy statements to improve the health of all children.
Utah State Legislature
Interested in a specific bill, tracking the status of a bill, or searching for bills in your area of interest (eg, child or health)? Want to find a Senate or House member and an instant link to their email? Or, find out who’s who on the Health & Human Services Committee. What’s happening on the Legislative calendar? Are you interested in a obtaining a citizen’s guide and tools to make your voice heard throughout the legislative process?
Project Vote Smart
Information on elected officials including biographical and contact information, voting records, campaign contributions, public statements, issue positions, and evaluations/interest group ratings.
Utah Children
Click on “Legislation” to obtain facts sheets and talking points on proposed legislation impacting children.
Center for Persons with Disabilities
This site provides information on the Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities.
Utah Health Department
“A to Z Index” provides information on services, including children’s programs. In addition to evaluating performance measures, Legislators ask the following questions to prioritize competing funding requests and demands: Can this program be reduced or eliminated (impact)? Are there federal requirements that must be met (penalties or rewards associated with mandate)? Are there state laws/statutory requirements that must be satisfied? What is the enrollment growth related to the number being served?
Utah Health Policy Project
This project is committed to healthcare reform and is working to secure healthcare coverage for all Utahns.
Utah Community Action Partnership Association
In addition to spearheading The Family Investment Coalition, this organization provides a weekly Legislative Update, fact sheets and reports. Click on “Public Policy” for more information.
League of Women Voters of Utah
“Legislative News” includes action alerts and position statements on current issues—including children’s issues. Listen to KCPW at 7:40 am (FM 88.3) each morning of the General Session to learn what is happening at the Capitol.
Utah Medical Association
Provides action alerts on issues impacting the practice of medicine in Utah.