2020 Census
The American Academy of Pediatrics, Utah Chapter is partnering with Voices for Utah Children to educate pediatricians about the importance of counting all children in the 2020 Census. Please display the enclosed posters in high traffic areas of your clinic like your waiting area and exam rooms. Click graphic to download English and Spanish printable.
Below are some simple points to help you educate your patients and their families.
Annually, billions of dollars are allocated to Utah to fund new roads, schools, emergency services (more than 300 programs that children’s hospitals/families rely on like Medicaid, Head Start, WIC, SNAP and more).
These funds amount to about $5.7 billion to Utah. An undercount could cost Utah $1.2 billion annually from just five of the federally funded programs that benefit children and families. In 2010 10% of children were missed.
Who is typically undercounted?
• Children under 5 years of age, especially newborns
• Racial/ethnic minority households
• Households where young children live with grandparents, nonrelative or in group quarters
• Households headed by younger parents who lack familiarity with the census
• Households that are linguistically isolated
• Children who split time between two homes
• Households with lower income
• Marginalized families (when uncounted tend to become further marginalized)
• Households who rent or have moved recently
• Children staying temporarily with family or friends
Why does it matter?
The country’s children have been undercounted for decades which has left Utah with far less money than it deserved. Underfunding crucial programs, means for nearly a child’s entire childhood, social programs could have less money. The very children who are often undercounted may also the beneficiaries of these programs.
How pediatricians can help?
• Talk to families about the importance of counting their children – bring it up more than once
• Use social media to share messages using #CountMeIn, #CountAllKids #EveryChildCounts
• Display enclosed posters about the census
• Download additional resources at www.2020census.gov
• Educate staff and ask them to talk to families most likely to be undercounted
• Everyone, regardless of immigration status, should be counted
• Share information about what the census does (i.e. the count determines the amount of money given back to their community and programs they may use)
• Allow families to complete census in your office (have dedicated tablet/laptop in waiting room)
• Share locations where families can access computers to complete their forms (i.e. libraries, etc.)
The census requires that America’s population be taken once each decade. Everyone, regardless of their immigration status, should be counted. Efforts will commence mid-March with initial mailings and will continue through July with follow-up for non-respondents. You can respond online, by phone or by mail. May – July census takers will visit homes that haven’t yet responded. Census day is April 1 and should include everyone living in your home on that date.
• First census primarily conducted online which may make low income or rural families less likely to be counted
• Immigrant families may be hesitant to answer – citizenship question NOT included
• Disinformation about anonymity of census (Census Bureau bound by law to protect respondents’ identity – respondents WILL NOT be reported to ICE)
• Funding for services and programs are based of census data only, no statistical data can bridge an undercounting gap
Please get the word out, your patients and the resources they need are at stake.
The posters for your convenience, please hang them in high traffic areas of your clinic like your waiting room and exam rooms.
Thank you for your help getting the word out.